The perfect study area for teenagers

Creating the perfect study area for reluctant teenagers

Studying can be a bad word in any teenager’s vocabulary, but it’s made worse when they don’t have an area to study in. A specific place, whether that is in their bedroom, the family study or a corner of the lounge, makes studying more enjoyable and easier to do.

Does your teenager have 
room to study?

As much as they say it works for them, studying in front of the TV is not the best area for your teenager. Research says that the areas which are most conducive to studying are free from distractions and are dedicated specifically for learning purposes. While this may suggest a separate room, this just isn’t possible in most New Zealand homes. The next best thing to do is designate a specific area in a quiet area of your home and fit it to suit the needs of your teenager.

Create a study area conducive 
for your teenager.

By the time your child has reached their teenage years, they have grown a lot bigger. Chances are though, that they will continue to grow and their study area need to accommodate this. So, when choosing an area for their study, a small and poky cupboard just isn’t going to work. A nook, a corner or a wall near a window makes a better choice. Or if they are lucky enough, re-arrange their bedroom to be multi-purpose.

Next you need to consider the furniture. Store brought does offer instant results and if you can find the perfect set, then go for it. But having your study furniture custom built as a permanent feature of the study will give you more options in desk height, storage areas and desk sizes. Our builders can help you design the ideal study area, so give us a call to get things started.

What does a teenager’s 
study need?

First and foremost, comfort and style need to work hand in hand in a studying environment. It needs to be comfortable to work at and easy to access, but it also needs to look great too. Research has shown that teenagers are most productive when studying in an area which has:

  • A desk – with enough space to allow for writing and a place for a laptopGood natural lighting – if not available, good quality artificial lighting is a must
  • A comfortable adjustable chair – some teens prefer a fixed leg chair, others like wheels or sitting on an exercise ball
  • Storage options – drawers and cupboards are a must for keeping the desk clean and distraction free. Shelves are great for keeping text books on and an on-desk storage option works well to hold pens and pencils
  • Colour – consider the preferences of your teen when choosing colours for the furniture and walls. They are the ones who must use it and if they hate your chosen colours, it is not going to help their motivation to study!
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