Celebrity Homes Revealed in One World Concert

A rare glimpse into celebrities’ homes and what it reveals about them

Sunday’s One World: Together at Home online concert showed how Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, Oprah, JLo and many other of the world’s biggest stars really live.

We can see why the driving force behind the concert, Lady Gaga, sang ‘Smile’. Her multi-coloured floor really brightens up her room, a room that is clearly more for comfort than style.

Broadcast worldwide and and billed as the biggest concert since 1985’s Live Aid One World: Together at Home raised almost $128 million to support health care workers in the fight against the pandemic.

Because the 70 or so celebrities who participated were confined like the rest of us to their homes, the concert offered a rare glimpse into their private lives and spaces. 

Celine Dion joined Lady Gaga, Andrea Bocelli, John Legend, Celine Dion and many more in singing ‘The Prayer’ in One World’s grand finale.

As you can see, the white room which she performed in beside her grand piano is a designer’s dream. 

Less of a designer’s dream is Jack Black’s house. Although we have to say we weren’t too surprised at Jack Black’s kitchen and dining area, but given that he is a pretty big star, we thought it would be a little more grand.

Each to his own. At least the dishes seem to be done, if not put away.

JLo preferred to perform outside in her yard, where she brightened up proceedings with candles and strings of lights. 

She sang ‘People’, originally performed by Barbra Streisand, wearing a Coach sweatshirt that was perfect for the occasion not only because it was comfy quarantine-wear but also because it was emblazoned with Streisand’s face.

Nice touch.

In contrast, Jimmy Fallon, the concert’s MC, seems to have brought a tree inside his home.

In fact, the whole room seems to be some boyhood fantasy of a treehouse.

Just goes to show, there’s no accounting for taste.

Ellie Goulding’s room looked a bit similar to Jimmy’s except the exposed timbers are all reclaimed from other buildings.

We thought the framework behind her made the place look unfinished rather than cool. Her song ‘Love Me Like You Do’ was spot on, though.

Lizzo, who sang ‘A Change is Gonna Come’ (we certainly hope so) is clearly a nature lover.

Her room with its full-height windows resembled a greenhouse, but with most of the plants outside rather than in.

Ellen’s room was also like an inverted terrarium with views out to what seemed to be a jungle. 

True to the persona he likes to portray, Jack Johnson appears to live in an overgrown shack near a beach. Which is exactly where he does live, right on the beach on Oahu, Hawaii.

Oprah Winfrey spoke from one of her offices, the décor and furniture revealing a conservative sense of style and good organisational skills.

Michael Bublé surprised us with a nondescript black background which could have been a woven screen.

He looked decidedly uncomfortable as he stared into the camera for the opening of the Beach Boys’ ‘God Only Knows’ but became more animated, waving his hands around, as the song progressed.

Further research revealed that Michael lives in a massive 27,000 square foot (2500 square metre) home across the road from the primary school he attended near Vancouver in Canada.

The Rolling Stones performed possibly the most aptly-named song of the concert, ‘You Can't Always Get What You Want’, from their respective homes.

Mick’s and Charlie’s places looked like old-fashioned gentlemen’s residences. Predictably, Keith had a glass of beer and what looked like a pack of cigarettes close at hand, and the pictures on the wall behind him were crooked. The less said about Ronnie’s eclectic tastes, the better.

And Charlie brought the house down, in the surprising absence of a real drum kit, by playing ‘air drums’.

The most poignant part of the concert came from Taylor Swift.

The ethereal watercolour wall was perhaps the ideal backdrop for the live debut of ‘Soon You'll Get Better’, her heartfelt song about her mother's battle with cancer.

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